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Oil massage and healing work that arouses the senses with great satisfaction and helps promote overall wellness.

HEAL YOUR BODY18,000yen/ 120 minutes

HEAL YOUR BODY12,000yen/ 90 minutes

HEAD THERAPY10,000yen/ 60 minutes

⟨ Counseling hours are not included above. ⟩


I’d like you to enjoy a cup of herbal tea to have you feel relaxed in a cozy, chic ambiance before healing therapy. I'm pleased to listen to your lifestyle or worries if you live a life of internal stress and something you're concerned about.
After counseling, choose three bottles out of more than 30 kinds of essential oils by intuition,then pull out one from affirmation cards spread on the floor. They're all you are attracted to. Before starting healing work, I'll find out where there are any tension spots and stiffness areas shown on your body as a sign of emotions.

First, I'll apply the premium quality carrier oil and essential oil using gentle long smooth strokes and pressure toward the center of the body covering whole body parts from head to toes.
Once you have my session and deeply feel relaxed, you're getting filled up with the energy flowing into a certain body part. Better blood circulation, better range of motion, and flexibility also promote happiness and calmness in the mind. That's true healing.

Right after the whole process, your body and mind will be relaxed and freed, so let you bask in the afterglow to the full extent of having a cup of herbal tea. Then, I'd be thrilled to get some feedback on my healing work.


Here are oils I'm particular about and select to apply to the customer’s body carefully.

The organic castor oil certified overseas is filled with earth’s energy based on Edgar Cayce’s treatment.

It's cold-pressed from the world's most precious ingredients and extremely pure and unrefined.


Unrefined and pure peanut oil and virgin olive oil with lanolin= It’s based on Edgar Cayce’s prescription.

*Virgin olive oil = it stimulates muscle and mucus membranes activity, nourishes, and helps remove toxins excreted from body tissues.

* unrefined peanut oil = it helps promote better body fluid circulation and softens the skin,muscle, and nerves as well.


Medical grade organic essential oil by Young Living Co., Ltd

The plants cultivated on clean lands without agricultural chemicals and pesticides are cold-pressed into oil. It's 100% organic purity and medical grade.


I've received a lot of healing energy work myself so far and have had about two great experiences feeling like I was a new person. It’s not easy to express because it was like one of the senses believing what my heart just told me at that time. After getting such wonderful energy work and massages, my mind was empty, clearing distracting thoughts, even my heart was purified and felt at ease. What an incredible sense of relief!

I found myself being more natural, awakening to the truth of who I am. I was delighted to be here. Right after that treatment, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Surprisingly, my skin got more radiant, transparent and my eyes sparkled with joy. More than anything, my expression became more calm and gentle as if I had broken free from my obsession with something evil.

I was fulfilled, peaceful, and calm. Finally, some tension spots shown on my body were gone and my feelings and body became a lot lighter than before.

⟨ That’s how I'd like my customers to experience such essential bodywork and healing work just like I received. This is what I’d offer and I've been doing my very best healing work with my thoughts that I've never changed since I started my job.⟩